Monday, 17 December 2012

Issue 1 is out now!

The first issue of The English Chicago Review is out now! It features poetry from Vicki Bartram, Robert J.Bell, Byron Beynon, Kierstin Bridger, Ken Champion, Antony Christie, Amy Christmas, Julie Corbett, Antony Dunn, Christy Hall, Peter Harris, Jem Henderson, Ian Parks, Heather Phillipson, Charles Pitter, Andy Skitt, Elizabeth Kate Switaj and Anthony Ward.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Prices confirmed

After consultation with our printer, we can now confirm issue and subscription prices for The English Chicago Review. In the UK single issues will cost £2 and an annual subscription of four issues will cost £7. In the rest of the world, single issues will cost £4.50 and an annual subscription will cost £16. These prices include postage and packaging. The first issue of The English Chicago Review is due for publication at the end of December.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Submissions Open!

We are now ready to accept submissions for the first issue of the English Chicago Review. To submit, please email up to six poems and a brief, third-person biographical note to us at At present, the only payment we are able to offer is a contributor copy. These are physical copies within the EU and pdf copies outside the EU.